Our history

A leading catalyst for change

Our unique investment approach underpins our successful position as the leading catalyst for the development of a commercial agricultural sector in sub-Saharan Africa. Trace our history below.


  • The idea behind AgDevCo conceptualised.  


  • AgDevCo incorporated as not-for-profit distribution organisation, registered in the UK. Activities in Mozambique started, with support from the Norwegian government and others.


  • AgDevCo provides the first round of loans to six start-up agricultural businesses in Mozambique as part of the Beira Agricultural Growth Corridor (BAGC) initiative.
  • AgDevCo is invited by the Government of Ghana to assist in developing commercial agricultural projects.
  • AgDevCo receives funding from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Mozambique. 


  • AgDevCo receives a number of grants, including from the Small Foundation, to expand activities, strengthen operational capabilities and increase investment in Mozambique.
  • AgDevCo plays an early role in developing the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania initiative.
  • AgDevCo receives funding from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Dutch Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS).  Also receives funding from the Small Foundation.


  • AgDevCo team expanded to 25 staff.
  • First investments announced in Tanzania and Zambia.
  • AgDevCo office opened in Zambia.


  • AgDevCo receives further support from the UK's DFID to expand its activities, as well as from the Small Foundation.
  • AgDevCo Malawi established and Tanzania office opened.


  • AgDevCo’s fifth anniversary.
  • AgDevCo receives funding from DFID Mozambique for country-specific activities.
  • New initiatives underway, including  working capital facility, and a dedicated smallholder farmer support programme.


  • Further funding received from DFID for expansion into Uganda.
  • Launch of LAFCo, a working capital facility that focuses on African agribusinesses, in conjunction with KfW and Root Capital.
  • In partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, a Smallholder Development Unit is created. 
  • AgDevCo office in Uganda opened.


  • AgDevCo makes its first investments in Uganda and Rwanda.
  • Satellite office opened in Sierra Leone.


  • AgDevCo adjusts investment strategy to bring itself to sustainability whilst preserving impact-focused approach.


  • AgDevCo makes its first investments in Sierra Leone and Kenya.
  • DFID confirms additional funding support for AgDevCo through to 2023.


  • AgDevCo celebrated its 10-year anniversary.


  • AgDevCo raises $90m of investment from BII (formerly the CDC Group), Norfund and DFC. 


  • AgDevCo further raises $60m of equity funding from DFIs.